Kelly Armstrong lives and works on the land of the Wurundjeri of the Kulin nation. Growing up in Melbourne, she attended the Melbourne Rudolf Steiner School in Warranwood. Following the completion of studies in Occupational Therapy, Kelly spent time in Europe, visiting Dornach and practicing as an Occupational Therapist in the United Kingdom and in Melbourne. 

Combining her knowledge of disability and wellness, Kelly embarked on a career change on her return to Melbourne, moving into her current role working towards greater inclusion of people with disability. Her passion to bring her experience of Waldorf’s teaching to others, lead to her involvement in the Melbourne Waldorf Farm School initiative (Tobias Society Incorporated) for over 4 years. The members of the Tobias Society worked towards establishing The Tobias School, a Rudolf Steiner Special School for children with disability in the outer east of Melbourne. One of the successes of the group was The Mignon Camp, a three day camp for 8 families with disability in 2015. Supported by Barbara Baldwin, the Camp provided a beautiful cathartic, immersion type experience of anthroposophical curative therapies. With volunteer therapists and educators as well as enthusiastic trainees, who came together and facilitated an experience of curative therapies for the parents, siblings and children with disability over these few days. 

Kelly values and advocates for choice and opportunities for all, and sees the role of Trustee for the Ileen MacPherson Trust as an opportunity to promote the application of Rudolf Steiner’s values across many disciplines.