Would you like to support Anthroposophy in Australia through a Bequest or Donation? The Ileen Macpherson Trust can facilitate this process.

We have been contacted over the years by people preparing their Wills and wishing to know about how to leave money in the Trust’s care. While the Trust is permitted to spend only the interest from investing its own capital, the Trustees will consider the donor’s wish to support or sponsor a specific project or any initiative in an Anthroposophical endeavor. 

For example, a person may wish to set up scholarships in their field of endeavor. The money donated for this would be set aside for the scholarships which may be named by the donor.

Contact details for Trust solicitors who would be involved with such donations and bequests are available on request.

The Ileen MacPherson Trust is a Registered Charity Trust ACNC/ABN: 86848314713

If you need any assistance, or for any queries, please contact:

Rose Nekvapil



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